About NEWS

The Namibian Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS)

NEWS is a network of people and organisations that care about our environment.

The Society provides a forum for public discussion of environmental topics and gives us a public voice.

Passionate about Namibia's environment and wildlife since 1966!

The Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) is a membership-based, non-profit organisation.
NEWS is open to anyone with an interest in our environment.

NEWS was founded in 1966 as the Namibian branch of the Wildlife Society of Southern Africa.

Since then NEWS has gained independence and has broadened its scope to cover all environmental aspects in Namibia.

In 2007 NEWS was officially registered as the Namibian Environment And Wildlife Society (NEWS) and got a formal Constitution


Our Vision

To be an influential, membership-based environmental organisation with a country-wide network of members and partners in order to make an active and positive contribution to the conservation of our natural environment and sustainable development.

Our Mission

To conserve the natural environment of Namibia and
to promote appropriate protection,
wise and sustainable use of natural resources
and sustainable development.

Inspiring Namibians about nature, wildlife and environment

NEWS aims to

Share outdoor experiences and bring people closer to the natural environment and wildlife,

Create awareness and understanding of environmental issues,

Foster environmental interest, enthusiasm and pride in our people,

Eliminate environmental apathy.

Involving Young People

NEWS gives young Namibians an opportunity to experience Namibia's natural wonders and beauty. NEWS also is a platform for the youth to become active in environmental matters and nature conservation.

Meet the NEWS Committee

Chairman Reinhold Mangundu

Vice-Chair and mentor to Chair John Pallett

Treasurer Andreas Brückner

Member Dr Jessica Kemper

Member David Aiyambo

Member & Secretary Hilda-Marie Botha

Member & Outings & News Youth Natalie Barry

Member & News Youth Reinhold Mangundu

Member & News Youth Tuwilika Shihepo

Member & News Youth Josephine Amwaalwa

NEWS Priorities

The Namibian Environment & Wildlife Society focuses on several key issues.

Climate change is not treated as an individual sector, as it is an overarching issue relevant to all other sectors.Real achievements in any of these sectors will help to reduce the effects of climate change.